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Tune Into "THURSDAY GIRL'S DAY" every Thursday @Momipedia

Good morning! I’m Lisa Tiano with Innerstar Girl and MomPersonal.

A recent blog post I wrote talked about kids who are involved in team sports, and how important it is to respect your teammates. Being that school has just begun, it’s timely to bring this up. Whether the game is a win or a loss, there is no “I” in team. Everyone is affected no matter how the game goes, or how someone plays. A team player knows not to complain or to point the finger by pointing out another player's weakness. They know how to stick up for their teammates and show encouragement. It’s easy to blame someone else, but accountability shows good character.

Coaches also know the players who display the entitlement game. There are those players who earn their place on the team, who work endless hours to train. Then there are those players who think they’re entitled to be in a certain position on the team, and play the “not fair” card. There’s this thing called no shortcuts. The value of hard work is working hard. Earning a certain place on the team is much more respectable than just finding the easy way to get there. A good lesson to teach our children – a good teammate wants the win for everyone, not just for themselves. A great adult life lesson too:)

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