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The Vine App - A New Sex Ed Friend For Teens

What does "safe sex for teens" mean these days? Not to completely throw out what the P.E. teachers are talking about in Sex-Ed classes at school, but the majority of the teen population isn't getting the full sex education evidence that they deserve.

There are apps that teens are able to access now that are teaching them everything they need to know and then some. While that may sound like good news, the confusion lies in the mistreating of apps, and the age appropriateness. Besides turning to Google, movies and friends for answers, teenagers are hungry for sex info. Impulsive, anxious, curious, and sex-driven kids are exploring more than you know.

Advice for parents - poke around a bit on the video sharing app called "Vine." Warning: No privacy settings. It's Free. Easy to download. No age requirement. And...You'll discover things that may shock you.

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